Youth Protection

Minors on Campus Program Information for Policy Compliance

Charlotte is committed to proactively safeguarding minors participating in activities on campus, University-sponsored programs or events, and third-party activities hosted at our facilities. To ensure compliance with our policies and procedures, all adults responsible for supervising, overseeing, or caring for minors during University-affiliated activities or programs must complete the following steps:

By adhering to these steps, we can collectively create a safe and secure environment for all minors on our campus.

1. Report Your Program: Submit details of your program or event involving minors to the Office of Risk Management and Insurance (RMI).

Program Organizers for University-sponsored activities involving non-student minors (including athletic camps run by UNC Charlotte coaches) must report their program to RMI. Reporting your program allows RMI to work with our third-party software (Teamworks) to build a website specific to your program that will be used for participant registration and program administration. After RMI reviews and approves the program, you will receive a notification with your program-specific URL to begin participant registrations.

2. Complete Youth Protection Training: Verify that all staff members working at your event have completed the University’s Youth Protection Training.

Program Organizers are also responsible for ensuring all individuals, including themselves, complete Youth Protection Training annually. This training involves watching a video and passing a quiz with a minimum score of 80%.

3. Complete Criminal Background Checks: Ensure all staff members working at your event have completed the required annual criminal Background Check (CBC).

Program Organizers must ensure that all individuals (paid or volunteers) including themselves, undergo a criminal background check following University Policy 101.23. Program Organizers should share the background check link with participants.

After clicking the link participants will select their program and submit their personal information for approval by RMI.

This link below is for your convenience if you ONLY need to do a CBC. The link for CBC is embedded in the Youth Protection Training for those who need both.

RMI will document the completion of background checks and training.

It is the Program Organizer’s duty to confirm that all required activities are completed before the program begins. Tracking these required activities will be managed in Teamworks.

If you have additional questions contact the Office of RMI (